Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Early Menopause More Condition_symptoms Can Susceptibility For Early Menopause Decrease Your Years Of Child Bearing?

Can susceptibility for early menopause decrease your years of child bearing? - early menopause more condition_symptoms

My grandmother went through menopause in the mid 40s. My mother is 46 and has happened now. I fear that if I am predisposed to early menopause, that my years of raising children is reduced?


Nikki ~~Baby#1 Due May 1st said...

Sale will be when you go through the menopause at 40th This means that you need to have their children before that date. Menopause is when they stop ovulation, so that you can still become pregnant. You may have to work harder and longer, or even try to go into medicine to help you ovulate more. I do not know with certainty but a possibility. If you are TTC, would go to the doctor and let him know your family history and see if you have any concerns, but not really, there is a problem, while the boys before they reach 40 years.
Good luck

edit: When will your mother and grandmother both menopause for over 40 years before his success. We still have at least 15 years to have another child (if you are now 25). 20, if you do not hit menopause until the mid to late 40s

MrsHis said...

Well, I heard it was easier to become pregnant at a young age (25 years)
After 25 it gets a little harder and requires much more work.
After 30 more difficult.

but that's what I've heard in recent years ...

Good luck

chinkyey... said...

You can always meet or freeze their eggs next to the road

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