Facebook Privacy Question? - how to remain invisible on facebook chat
I deleted my Facebook for a while, because (my family and myself) were concerned about privacy. Now, I think, to recover, but I do not know when to everyone.
My question is:
Is it possible to completely invisible, apart from his friends?
I know he can be invisible in the research, but it is a way other people do not see the friends list?
Any help on how to not "Facebook" would remain for all but my friends are very much appreciated.
Thank you all. :)
If your search visibility "Just Friends" is set, then the people will not be able to see friends in other lists. Even if you use the gifts to your friends in the various applications that are no longer listed as a "Facebook user, you choose to send." However, if you publish on the walls of others to decide, I think people can see it. Make sure you set it to only their friends to your profile, profile image, etc. So if I write on the wall from someone you do not see your name and not his image. Check the privacy settings can be found in all categories (search, profile, etc.) to ensure that you are with everything. Hope this helps are comfortable.
Settings-> Privacy-> Search-> Visibility
And will if anything, he was named Black, no connection, it seems, you simply write your name in
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index? ...
Help me =)
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